Sunday, May 15, 2011

ACFFC Jacmel Memorial Wall

The wall is finished, from Congo Place all the way up the road. And across the beach side.  We never imagined it would happen ... so many people helped with supplies and now our children/youth want to encrust the world with brightly colored tile and mirrors.  The first permanent public art installation in Jacmel. One might think, why public art when people have no food, no home.  The answer is that this, done with donor support, and the support of the community brings pride and joy to the children, their families and the community. As well, it has begun to take on a life of its own and people coming into Port Au Prince and environs are making special trips out to Jacmel to see the wall and have their photo taken there. So, the ACFFC Mosaic Wall of Hope is contributing to the bringing in of visitors ... economic impact ... burgeoning tourism in Jacmel.  We are all proud to be a part of this miracle.

Friday, August 27, 2010

August Update

Here is an interview with ACFFC Board Member Nancy Josephson and founder of Angel Band, online at Wall Street Journal website.

Watch and then go to ACFFC website to see the music video of Hope is on the Way with the kids rapping. and then scroll down to Hope Haiti.

And help us to raise funds for their school expenses/books/uniforms as well as funds for the upcoming month's general expenses.

Your support is what keeps us going. As you know, we get zero from Unicef, Save the Children, Red Cross et al.

If 12 groups were to form and each group raised operating expenses for ACFFC for a month, imagine how wonderful that would be. With over 85 children and youth, one month = approximately $7500. Who wants December? That would be absolutely fantastic, beyond fantastic.

As Michou had said "Kids like us don't usually get to do things like this." Yes they do and yes they should! And with your help, they do and they can!

Mesi anpil. 

Friday, July 23, 2010


Here is a letter I posted to the Corbett List (Haiti related group).

I feel compelled to share some observations and experiences. The situation is dire, that is for sure. I am absolutely horrified at the number of buildings still standing, pancaked and as if frozen in time. The closer to Port Au Prince, the worse it gets because of the number of buildings, population per square mile, etc. In Jacmel and everywhere I visited on this trip, I see people living under woven banana leaves, sticks and tarps. I see people waiting on lines for food. Rubble still clogs the roads.

Folks, this is six months post earthquake – what is going on here?

We at ACFFC are fortunate in that we have dedicated supporters however our family of children has swelled from 60 to 85 and each day at least one family shows up to try and enroll a child/children because they know their children will have an opportunity to learn and grow as well as to eat, be provided medical care, etc. It is heartbreaking. Our children are compassionate and have come to understand social justice and reaching out to help – and so they, too are perplexed about what to do. I have seen them crying when we have to say ‘no’ or simply add names to our waiting list to a family that seeks to find spots for their children at ACFFC. We are a family.

Our ACFFC families are involved and they, as well, are doing all they can for each other and for ACFFC. We are all working hard to do as much as can be done. We see it in our children’s eyes when their mothers, fathers, aunts, etc. are having problems. They as children carry this pain. Almost always, it is a matter of money. As such, we have made microloans to many of our families with terms that optimize success and it helps to alleviate the sadness of the children and empower the families. This has been extremely successful – small scale and positive outcomes with 100% success rate. And with success comes additional sharing and reaching out, amongst our children and their families. A positive cycle amidst the situation at hand.

Not one penny has been received by ACFFC from any of the large NGOs. As well, I have spoken with/met informally with many smaller organizations in Port Au Prince and Jacmel working with children (no religious affiliation/religious affiliation, very small/larger) and no one with whom I spoke is receiving these funds. What a shame. Regardless of whether or not these funds are coming in, these smaller organizations on the ground are working hard to make for mitigation and improvement and that is where I see progress. It is at great emotional, physical and financial sacrifice by all (most of all by the Haitian people who lived through this horrific event and are standing strong and with hope).

Unicef brought a 16 year old girl to ACFFC from the tent camp in Jacmel, as ACFFC is considered a safe place. She was alone and terrified of being raped. Of course we asked her to join our family. When asked if any financial support, supplies, etc. could be provided, the Unicef representative stated that the job of Unicef was not to provide supplies and/or financial support, just to move a child someplace safe.

Doctors Without Borders sought our assistance in caring for a baby, abandoned at Hopital St. Michel. She, like the baby shown in CNN, was born with hydrocephalus. She is now in the custody of ACFFC. We were able to arrange for surgery and after care by the amazing folks at Project Medishare and she is doing well, with a second surgery scheduled for today. These medical groups make miracles. Note, Save The Children did come and check on our baby, as they were aware of her situation, however did not/can not/would not help us in any way re financial support.

Which brings me back to the story done by CNN about the baby with hydrocephalus “dying at Bernard Mevs Hospital because of lack of availability of antibiotics.” Sad to say, but it seems that this is not exactly so. While visiting there this past week, I asked about this baby. The medical information provided directly from the staff that is coordinating her treatment is that she was brought to them by her mother, the surgery had been done elsewhere with a shunt implanted and infection had already set in, penetrating to the bone. Immediately upon being admitted, she was put on IV hydration, nutrition, and antibiotics. Her shunt was removed. Her treatment has included multiple antibiotics in sequence with no significant improvement yet she is still holding on. Many antibiotics become ineffective over time, and this is the case with this child. The hospital and Project Medishare have antibiotics on hand and there was no issue at all regarding this child dying for lack of medication at this hospital. The logistics nurse in charge told me, with tears in her eyes, that had that been the case, she would have gone to the nearest pharmacy and purchased what was needed. It is available and I know this as well because we have needed to purchase the same types of medications for our baby. I saw this little girl and touched her hand. She is strong and there is some hope that perhaps her immune system will kick in and/or after a period off medication, another round may have impact. The hospital is immaculate. The staff is caring. Yes, the situation in Haiti is dire. There are thousands of people without tents, hungry, no place to go and nothing to do, absolutely true. Funds are not reaching organizations on the ground, absolutely true. But it is upsetting that this situation has not been presented accurately per hospital staff and denigrates the competencies and commitment of this medical facility and team making miracles amidst the pancaked buildings still standing around them.

It seems to me that the challenge of “rebuilding Haiti” is so vast and overwhelming that the default is reactive band-aids (which are needed) and still the people suffer conditions that are simply inhumane, especially considering the short distance between Haiti as one reality and South Florida (my home) as another.

On a macro basis, there are meetings and assessments which are far outweighing actual inroads on any major basis. Many organizations have stepped in, having never even been on the ground in Haiti, seeing economic opportunity for themselves and are viewing Haiti from top down, deciding what is best for Haiti and the Haitian people. Note, for each such as this there are many others with commitment and respect for the Haitian people, but still mired in the ‘what to do’ and ‘how to do it’ rather than taking action.

I respectfully suggest that the perspective also include bottom up, with Haitian people living on the streets providing insights and guidance into what might be best for them (combined with new ideas and technologies that could be presented to them as concepts and demonstrated rather than force fed) – and then move forward house by house, family by family, community by community which then becomes workable on a cooperative basis.

This is just my perspective – some may agree and some may disagree and that is fine. I do not mean for this to be the start of vitriolic debate back and forth. I just ask that everyone think of the children at ACFFC and the children we can not enroll due to our own financial situation … think of the children all over Haiti who are in tents or even less, no school, hungry … and think of their families who have absolutely no way out but to wait … with grace, with despair, with frustration, with anger … for change.

And please help us.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Back from Jacmel, June visit

I am delighted to let you know that the children/youth at ACFFC are hard at work preparing for exams.  In addition, they are glued to the TV for the World Cup games.  Our baby is holding her own, although she has not gained any weight at all in the past month, even with heavy duty feeding and protein supplement. We have a lovely new ACFFC member, Sonita, age 16, who was brought to us by Unicef - she was alone in a tent camp and terrified of being raped - after a week with us, I doubt anyone could pick her out of the group for she has found her self as she has felt safe, loved and valued - Bravo to all the older girls and boys who helped her to feel at home from the moment she walked through the door. And six of our children/youth (Darline, Tico, Withny, Fednot, Marie-Michelle and Bruno) attended the SImAct conference in Jacmel last weekend - great experience for them and we truly appreciate the welcome given to them by all. Jacmel is far from whole, buildings standings half destroyed by the earthquake, rubble in the streets, people living under woven banana leaves and in Port Au Prince, it is far worse.  Makes me wonder, but I shall self-censor.  Please do not forget our children.  Thank you. Judy

Saturday, June 5, 2010

ACFFC Jacmel Memorial Wall

ACFFC Jacmel Memorial Wall

This wall is being created to serve as a memorial to all lost to the earthquake and also to life! Laurel True is working with our kids and staff, and the arts groups of Jacmel are joining in. Gardere Mosaiques, has donated materials. The Mayor of Jacmel provided us a location. We are working on this wall + 200' down to the beach and a seating area and will hold a Memorial Ceremony on January 12 2011. We are grateful, honored and so very excited.

See the Wall - 

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Our baby made it through surgery!

Project Medishare Blog

Dedicated to improving health in Haiti
Port-au-Prince: Infant receives life saving surgery due to persistence
May 31, 2010 by projectmedishare
By Jennifer Browning

It is fortunate chance that three-month-old Seinthia Michel was able to receive her endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) procedure this week as part of Project Medisahre’s pediatric neurosurgery program.

Three month old Seinthia was abandoned at Hopital St. Michele in Jacmel. Seinthia received life saving surgery for her hydrocephalus this week from Project Medishare's pediatric neurosurgery team. Photo by Jennifer Browning.

At the end of April, Judy Hoffman, President of Art Creation Foundation for Children (ACFFC) visited Hopital St Michele in Jacmel to see the sister of one of the kids at the foundation who was ill. A doctor approached Judy to ask if ACFFC could help with a baby who had been abandoned there.

“That is all we had to hear! She took us to see the baby and we all fell in love,” Hoffman said. “There was this beautiful tiny little girl lying in a crib, clean and cared for, but alone. They showed us where her head was bulging [due to hydrocephalus].”

A Haitian doctor told Judy that he hoped ACFFC would take Seinthia because the baby was going to die and there was nothing the doctors at St. Michele could do.

“I called a doctor friend in Port-au-Prince who said as far as he knew, the shunt surgery was not done in Haiti and children like this die, but he would check and get back to me. “

All night into the next day Judy and everyone at ACFFC kept thinking about the baby. The next morning Judy started calling and searching online for someone who could help.

“Some time that Sunday afternoon, I found reference to Project Medishare and neonatal care. After a few emails Judy received the contact information for Maguy Rochelin, Project Medishare’s nurse liaison in Haiti.

“Next day, I called [the field hospital], spoke with the CMO and a nurse and they explained a team would be coming in,” she said, “and that we needed a CAT scan and an assessment.”

After several trials and tribulations, Hoffman along with a few staff members where able to bring Sienthia to Project Medishare’s field hospital for an assessment and to read the CAT scan.

“Based on the CAT scan and assessment, the word was that she would ‘probably’ be fine and they did not see congenital brain damage on the CAT scan,” Hoffman said.

Surgical team organizer Ann McNeil said children who are as young as Seinthia have a better chance at growing up and living a normal life. “We have pediatricians who do outreach and who refer children to the program. We have doctors who now know about increasing head circumference, so children are now referred earlier, before their heads get big. Now at birth they know as soon as the head starts increasing they get referred to the program. Most of the kids now are between birth, some were born two or three days before we arrive, or they are under a year old. So those are children that we see have the opportunity to have a normal life, which means that they have a normal brain that can develop.” Seinthia came through surgery with flying colors and has the opportunity now to grow and develop as a normal child.

Joseline Pantaleon, who works with the children at ACFFC, brought Seinthia to Port-au-Prince from Jacmel. Pantaleon said she is happy that Hoffman was able to find doctors who could help the child.

Note, our kids renamed her Marie Judy Metellus!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Sophia's letter

Here is a letter we received, along with a beautiful handmade stuffed 'monster' and art supplies. This letter has become icongraphic to us - a game changer.  If only the world believed as does Sophia! 

You can read an exerpt posted on our website (with her Mom's permission).

Basically, she says that some people have too much, some have too little and we even things out, it will all be better. 

One of our girls, Darline has written to her and sent her a papier mache piece she made.  Pen pals!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Update - ACFFC and Jacmel - April 20 2010

It is the beginning of the rainy season in Haiti. Many of our children are back in school and the rest will be back this week (we hope!) Everyone is still in tents and probably will be so for a long time to come, since there are still aftershocks. This is the 'new normal.' 

Despite conditions as a whole, our children are making great strides - providing emotional support for each other - making art - sharing their inner strength with their families and friends.  I am heading to Haiti tomorrow and will be so happy to see them tomorrow but shhhh, is a surprise!

Exciting news - Viktor El-Saieh, Board Member of ACFFC, was chosen to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University program in Miami last weekend, representing ACFFC. We, as an organization are honored as is he. Here is a photo of President Bill Clinton with a papier mache bird done by one of our children - which Viktor gave to him as a gift. Way to go! ...When you think of it, a child of the streets in Haiti (who might otherwise have been a restavec, prostitute, or who knows what) is an artist and via Viktor gives a gift to Bill Clinton, someone who otherwise would not have anything in common or to do with this child on a one to one basis. Now, I would love to see how we can convince Bill Clinton that his eyes, heart and mind would be opened by a visit with our kids. Wow! And please know that no donor dollars at all were used for Viktor's participation, as is the case with all events/activities held by/participated in by Board members and supporters. All funds go directly to the children and to the program in Jacmel.

Several wonderful events on the horizon supporting ACFFC -

Saturday May 1, 2010 - 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Aloft Hotel - National Harbor - 156 Waterfront Street
Presented By ArtsFusion, Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center, Prince George’s Arts Council, The Berrin Group.
This event is being supported by Haitian Ambassador Raymond Joseph and His Excellency Dr. Denis Antoine and other members of the Caribbean and International Diplomatic Corps.
For more information please call Rhonda Dallas at 301-943-8520 or email

Bill Taylor Bromberg's Big Noise in the Neighborhood. May 15th in Wilmington, DE. David Bromberg Big Band, John Hiatt, Sam Bush Band, Jorma Kaukonen AND the Angel Band!!!Light Up The Queen Theatre
Bromberg's Big Noise in the Neighborhood presented by AAA
Children 10 and under free admission

Moved by the tragic earthquake in Haiti, a group of Chicago area children's book illustrators decided to use their talents to raise funds to benefit Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel, Haiti. The Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) is an int...ernational organization with chapters all over the world. The Chicago area SCBWI Illustrators Network put the call out asking their members to create a piece of art depicting "The Tree of Life," a popular motif in Haitian metal sculpture. The art will be sold at silent auction during the Oak Park Arts District's annual "What's Blooming" art walk on Friday, May 21, and Saturday, May 22, at our gallery. The exhibit and auction hours are Friday, 6-10 pm, and Saturday, 12-8 pm. The Tree of Life exhibit and auction will feature the work of twenty children's illustrators, each interpreting the in her or his unique, child-friendly style.

Please continue to support ACFFC so that we may continue to be a part of moving mountains and seeing miracles!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Update - March 20 2010

March 20 2010     Despite the fact that many government agencies are pulling out of Haiti, declaring the emergency over, it is far from over. Along with this, shipments by air can no longer go from the DR directly into Jacmel and now must clear customs in Port Au Prince - bureaucratic, complicating and counter productive to getting in supplies that will help the Haitian people to help themselves to move forward. As days pass, the need becomes all the more great.

We are fortunate that our children are eating and all are sleeping in tents, rather than under woven banana leaves and bedsheets, however their extended families and neighbors are not. We worry that the cost of food is already skyrocketing and the ability of our partners at G.O. Ministries to fly in food and supplies has been precluded by what I have described above. So please do not forget our children, and do not forget their reality. Help them to be the hope for Haiti that they are. Now and ongoing.

I know that I keep asking for donations - please know that by supporting these children ongoing, you have become a part of a larger family which, by its size and generosity, moves mountains. And while we can not help every person in Haiti impacted by this horrific event and the start point of unimaginable poverty, by helping our children to be the hope of Haiti, we are helping to do so.

I was asked the other day whether or not all of our staff in Haiti is Haitian. Many NGOs are run a 'blan' or foreigner on site and the Haitian staff reports to him or her. Not us! All staff is Haitian. In fact, we have provided 11 jobs within the community (all staff paid fair and equitable wages), contribute to the economy (as a market researcher, I need to compute and project economic impact), and help to prepare our children for the future.

So, yes, it is about our children. And they glow. And they giggle in the night, whispering from one tent to the next in the cluster. It is also about those whom they love and who love them.

I will write more about my week there, now that I am finding it even possible to speak about what I saw and experienced which was far more overwhelming than I could have imagined.

Mesi anpil.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

New update

As you already know, our children/staff/families are all accounted for. We are regularly in touch with them. Slowly, life is returning to some semblance of routine. They come each day, gather as a community, eat, talk, dance play, make art. None are physically injured. The emotional impact has been huge and they are depressed even though they smile for the camera. Anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder are setting in.

Jen and Guy Pantaleon of Zanmi Lakay make an annual trip to Haiti to conduct photo workshops with ACFFC and also with a group in Cite Soleil. They decided not to cancel when the earthquake struck, headed in via the Dominican Republic and have been in Jacmel for the past few weeks. They have been absolutely amazing, organizing activities for the city of Jacmel, helping coordinate relief work with our team, as well as going forward with the workshop (more normalcy for the children). They brought the young men they sponsor in Jacmel who make music (hip hop) together with ACFFC as they have in the past, together also with the Cine Institute group. Yesterday, they held a Fete, to show the photographs taken by the group to family and friends, and tents were presented as well. Incredible! (Tents have a story - Jen called her sister who was able to purchase tents from the manufacturer at cost, arrange to ship them to the Dominican Republic, have them flown in. Read -'no large aid organizations involved'!)

See the NY Times Lens.blogspot feature on the work done by Jen and Guy and our ACFFC photojournalists.  New dream = ZANMILAKAY PHOTO CENTER IN JACMEL!

We have received aid, 10,000+ pounds of food, airlifted in from the Dominican Republic, thanks to G.O. Ministries. We received a most recent shipment donation just yesterday. The children, staff, families will continue to eat without waiting in line for hours at tent cities. This is how it works. (Again - read, 'no help from the "big guys" who get the millions of dollars in donations!)

Schools will not be open in Jacmel for some time. We are bring in teachers to begin classes at the Foundatoin to add one more level of normalcy to a horrific abnormal situation.

And so it goes!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Update February 17

All is as best it can be.  Our children and their families are holding up as well as they can. 

Fortunately, the visit of Jen and Guy Pantaleon helped them to refocus, take photographs, be a part of the solemn march held in lieu of Kanaval. 

And G.O. Ministries has been incredible, such generosity, and for this, we are able to feed our children with some level of normalcy (Mme Cothias et al cooking) and eating at their tables all together in lieu of lines in hot sun waiting for plate of food for hours.  Our families come and gather, help with preparation of package for distribution as do their children.  And with dignity, they are sharing in the work and the food for their families which, even on the street, they can prepare for themselves and eat with their own extended families.  Things like this re respectful rather than dehumanizing and without G.O. Ministries, it would not be possible.  We are forever grateful. 

Please have a look at the new purse available online at  and see the purse for Haiti ... follow links and you will see the visuals are the work of Bruno Rene, one of our ACFFC young men.  We are so proud. And Kellee Peer, owner of this company, will be donating $20 to ACFFC for each purse sold, with $5 going to Bruno Rene (bank account to be set up in his name) ... with the purchase of any purse, you can designate donation to ACFFC, so please look at these beautiful and unique purses. 

This morning everyone is at the Jacmel airstrip unloading 3500 lbs of food and water, shoes and clothing, etc. thanks again to G.O. Ministries. 

I will be traveling to Haiti end of February for a week and hope to meet Jackie Perez of G.O. as well as finally meeting Paula Hypollite who works with the Cine Institute and leads a coopertive of coffee growers (will bring back coffee) - and there is a place in a tent on the street for me with Geraldine and Darline, two of our girls.  I will be happy to be with them, at least for a few days.

Please keep on helping us and remember that the rebuild of Haiti, homes for our families, etc. will be a long time in coming. 

Thankyou all.  Judy

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Updates to all that is happening ...

Update February 11, 2010   Our children/staff/families are all accounted for. We are regularly in touch with them. Slowly, life is returning to some semblance of routine. They come each day, gather as a community, eat, talk, dance play, make art. None are physically injured. The emotional impact has been huge and they are depressed even though they smile for the camera. Anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder are setting in.
Jen and Guy Pantaleon of Zanmi Lakay make an annual trip to Haiti to conduct photo workshops with ACFFC and also with a group in Cite Soleil. They decided not to cancel when the earthquake struck, headed in via the Dominican Republic and have been in Jacmel for the past few weeks. They have been absolutely amazing, organizing activities for the city of Jacmel, helping coordinate relief work with our team, as well as going forward with the workshop (more normalcy for the children). They brought the young men they sponsor in Jacmel who make music (hip hop) together with ACFFC as they have in the past, together also with the Cine Institute group. Yesterday, they held a Fete, to show the photographs taken by the group to family and friends, and tents were presented as well. Incredible! (Tents have a story - Jen called her sister who was able to purchase tents from the manufacturer at cost, arrange to ship them to the Dominican Republic, have them flown in. Read -'no large aid organizations involved'!)

We have finally received aid, 8,000 pounds of food, airlifted in from the Dominican Republic, thanks to G.O. Ministries (see below). We received a most recent shipment donation just this past Monday (February 8). The children, staff, families will continue to eat without waiting in line for hours at tent cities. This is how it works. (Again - read, 'no help from the "big guys" who get the millions of dollars in donations!)

Schools will not be open in Jacmel for some time. We are bring in teachers to begin classes at the Foundatoin to add one more level of normalcy to a horrific abnormal situation.


UPDATE - February 2 2010
Everything seems to happen because of connections via twitter, facebook, emails, etc. I was directed to the amazing people at GO Ministries who said they would help us and actually did! They sent a plane from the DR with 2500 lbs of food and supplies, we were able to coordinate, unload, etc. And then we received a call that a second plane was to land and as they could not reach designated recipients, could we manage to unload/use/share another 2500 lbs of food and supplies. Yes and back everyone went ... We will have photos but internet not working the last few days in Jacmel.Astounding, amazing and we are so grateful - These folks are incredible.

UPDATE - February 1 2010 - our friends Jen and Guy Pantaleon of who partner with us all the time are now in Jacmel with our children. For a full report, please go to ACFFC blog or to to read and also to view images. Very difficult, sad, powerful.

January 20 2010
Another earthquake today ... everyone is frightened yet still ok. We are grateful. Still no significant aid into Jacmel. We have several days food left so we are keeping our fingers crossed. Please click on link to blog and/or Facebook Cause page for continuous updates. Mesi anpil.

January 19 2010 - People keep asking what to do to help.

1- Please donate as much as you can. We need funds desperately!

2- CAM and Western Union will be open in the next few days and we can send money to buy food from CAM which is a wholesaler. They will try to deliver in Jacmel.

3- People from the countryside are coming in with vegetables, etc. and we need cash to buy.

4- The children are all pulling together as a family

5- ACFFC is becoming a central coordinating agency in Jacmel.

6- We are trying to find a way to Jacmel via the Dominican Republic to bring in supplies and hope to be able to do so asap.

I spoke with several of the children just now as well as Georges Metellus - they were able to get through - and they are all heroes and thank you for everything you are doing for them.

January 13 2010- Many of you have contacted us regarding the situation in Jacmel and the well being of our ACFFC family. The answer is, we have not yet had any word. We do know that much of Jacmel has been destroyed. We also know that our children are a true community and I have to assume and wish and hope that they are ok and if they are, I know that they are out there doing what they can, as the did post hurricanes. They became mini-rescue teams. We do have a month's supply of food (assuming our building is standing) and water as well. All we can do is wait which is very difficult. I know that our needs will be great and I ask that you please contribute whatever you can, knowing that we will hold funds until we know how to best use them for rescue efforts. Our children, our staff, their families and all of Jacmel need your help. We make every dollar stretch as if $2 or $3 so please do what you can. I will post as I have information. Blessings. Judy Hoffman

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Finally - aid to ACFFC - from GO Ministries

Everything seems to happen because of connections via twitter, facebook, emails, etc.

I was directed to the amazing people at GO Ministries who said they would help us and actually did! 

They sent a plane from the DR with 2500 lbs of food and supplies, we were able to coordinate, unload, etc. And then we received a  call that a second plane was to land and as they could not reach designated recipients, could we manage to unload/use/share another 2500 lbs of food and supplies.  Yes and back everyone went ... We will have photos but internet not working the last few days in Jacmel.

Astounding, amazing and we are so grateful - These folks are incredible.
Note, the large organizations may be on the ground but who knows where?  Doctors Without Borders doing a great job.  Some of the others, ???? 

Monday, February 1, 2010

Jen and Guy Pantaneon of zanmilakay - friends of ACFFC are with our children in Jacmel

Please go to to view images.

Haiti Update #2-Saturday 30 January 2010

Posted in Newsletter on January 31st, 2010 by Jen – Comments Off

Not sure where to begin or where I left off. Internet access comes and goes, but we are lucky to have it at all. There is no electricity that we found in PauP, but there are generators and some internet access. All bathing is cold bucket showers. Safe food for us nonHaitians is scarce, so are glad we brought probars (and Susie’s trail mix!). But I still got pretty sick a couple nights ago eating at a good place (I won’t name names), but I’m ok now. We also haven’t seen any TV news since we came here so have no idea what the world out there is seeing.

Port-au-Prince is no longer the same. Champs Mars is now a tent city and you can smell the bad sanitation when you go by. We have been able to see much more of the rest of the city and the more we see the worse it is. We met a friend who is a policeman and his entire station collapsed with many police in it, and along with the prison break and taking care of families he has much stress. The sound of helicopters has become a normal thing. All sorts of military and NGOs have organized tent cities-you can tell those from the organic ones by the kind of tents being used. Coleman tents are everywhere. Some of the areas are strewn with blankets, sheets, corrugated metal all used as shelters held up with skinny wood or metal poles. I can’t tell you how utterly sad it is to see how so many people have to live, but I guess most of you have seen photos from the news. One other note-all over the city you see signs made of cardboard, some spray painted, and some elaborate that say “We need help” or “SOS” or “Mort” or some form of need that they are not getting. These signs are everywhere.

We visited an area in upper Paco thanks to a doctor that lives at Jacques compound. From the street you can see all of the big houses and schools that have collapsed, but when you walk back behind those houses, there are people living in tents and rebuilding shacks to live in. Along the ravines, the little houses have all collapsed. These people in the neighborhood are organizing themselves and have received no help. We came upon a young boy looking at the damage through a pair of old binoculars. His name was Andy. He told us he was alive because he stayed home sick from St. Gerard school the day of the earthquake, it had collapsed and all his friends were dead. A doctor living on that street has opened a clinic in a tent and we gave him bags of medical supplies. We also met some folks at SOIL and between them and Jean Ristil they are facilitating the delivery of water trucks and we hope to have one delivered in upper Paco. We will visit the clinic again when we return to PauP.

We went to Lafanmi Selavi twice. The only part still standing is the original house in front, and that was already completely looted in 2004 and had no roof. The rest of the buildings have completely collapsed including the multi story concrete structure that was to be a hospital (before the coup of 04). Both Fritz and Reginald lost their girlfriends in the earthquake, but all other kids seem to be fine…although traumatized like everyone else here. We delivered Care Bags, candles, solar/windup radio flashlights, some toys for the younger kids, and funds for food and will deliver more food when we get back to PauP. Some of the older boys are now working in the rubble breaking up the big stones to help clean up. At least they have water so clothes are being washed and everyone can bathe. There is a pipe that comes out at one end of the yard flowing with water…that is something.

A note to the people sponsoring children in our Education Fund-all of the children are okay, but none are attending school right now because most of the schools are gone. There will be more children to sponsor in the future as we have already received requests for help.

We visited Jean Ristil in Cite Soleil two days ago. He was driving his moto with a friend on the back holding his crutches. He was in good spirits but tired. His cyber café had closed because of cracks in the building so he set up his generator and cables across the street on a sidewalk and was letting anyone use phones and internet and power up for any donation going to generator fuel. He said others were charging a lot of money for the same service. Many streets in Cite Soleil are blocked and strewn with sheets and blankets with small walkways on either side. They are in desperate need of clean water as always-difficult to see how they are washing, drinking, bathing in the water they have. Children are everywhere because there is no school and Jean was anxious to have something for them to do. We made plans for a project and have all of their photos from last June ready on the computer for a little show as well.

On our way out of town yesterday (Friday), we stopped by the Cite Soleil hospital where our friend Dr. Max is working to drop off bags of medical supplies. MSF is now helping to run that hospital and there was much activity when we were there. The second story of Max’s house collapsed, and because he is working at the hospital and running another clinic he sent his wife and three kids to the countryside. We also gave him a much needed laptop (that was donated to us and fixed up by Guy) making a weary doctor very happy.

We drove through the Bel-Air neighborhood and it is completely devastated. Last year we visited a Catholic school there and now it is gone. The view down to the waterfront is littered with fallen rubble and the sea is filled with ships. We then drove along Grand Rue, the Iron Market, many streets that were shown in the first days after the quake on CNN and most of the buildings are just gone. Not sure if anyone has heard of the ‘zones’ from the news, but many neighborhoods are considered Red Zones and no help has gotten to them because of so called violence. In these areas, Haitians can be seen with picks and shovels and very few big machinery trying to chop up rubble and clearing the streets. The damage is colossal. Much tears as we made our way along these streets.

Through Carrefour you can see the damage if you look up into the streets that connect to the main road. There were many trucks and Taptaps and Ti Machan along the way though. We had to take the access road which was never finished so it is bumpy and dusty. Gas stations are open, and we filled up our tank for $80 U.S….just glad to have gas. After Carrefour we came upon some craziness as groups of German guys were running along the road jumping in and out of white vans, cars and trucks began to turn around, and everything was chaos. We learned that a group of men had stopped a truck and were looting it. Then a UN truck filled with soldiers and guns drove up and seemed to quell the mayhem. We then saw two Haitians try to jump into the UN truck freaking out the soldiers who screamed at the surprise and pushed them out-comical but scary.

Next was Leogane. It is difficult to explain the complete devastation in this town-the hometown of RARA. It is very flat, and on a good day full of bicycles and bustling. House after house after house completely collapsed. I am not ashamed to say I had tears running down my face the entire way. There were areas of the road with huge cracks, and we even saw soldiers taking photos of the shifts in the concrete. On the outside of town, soldiers had landed and set up tents, and we can only hope that help was on the way for this city.

This side of the mountain road heading to Jacmel was the worst. The retaining walls held, but the land and rockslides made the road just one lane in many places. Very nice Canadian soldiers were on the mountainside helping move boulders and directing the traffic of motos, cars, and trucks. The road will need much work-in more than a couple of spots the cracks and shifting made driving a bit dodgy, but in the worst spot a group of Haitians were hanging out warning cars and made us feel pretty safe. We even saw some huge semis in the road, and water trucks, along with Taptaps full of fresh produce grown in the mountains so people are getting through and commerce is moving.

Down in Jacmel, most of the artists we know have lost their houses and studios. Walls are gone and masks are crushed and streets are filled with rubble although much has been cleaned. Some streets are blocked because of people sleeping in tents. There is a system of symbols and they are spray painted on the structures-a black check or circle with a dot in the middle means okay, a red check or circle with a dot means you can’t go in and the building is destroyed, and a yellow or gold symbol means you can go in to get your stuff.

The highlight of today was seeing the over 60 children at ACFFC, the amazing organization we collaborate with in Jacmel. We were smothered in hugs and the children were asking us when we were going to begin a Photo Workshop. Everyone is afraid to go into the building for long, but food was being cooked, children were making art, playing soccer, using the computers all outside, and just being together. With the schools closed, it was good to see that these kids, along with the directors, teachers, and local artist mentors were working on making good use of their time and keeping busy. We will begin a program with them tomorrow encompassing photos, video, interviews, and their art as a way for them to work through their trauma and produce a stand alone project integrating the community. They are very anxious to get going and we worked through dinner tonight with staff on the details. We will of course be bringing much of their art home with us.

Thanks to everyone for all the messages and the love and the support. Honestly I’m not sure I’m cut out for disaster relief, but we are so glad we are here and are rejuvenated by how we are received by the people and knowing that all of you are there for us. We are so jazzed by the ideas and projects being presented by all of you to help Haiti in the future…there is much to do.

Update from Haiti #1

Posted in Newsletter on January 27th, 2010 by Jen – Comments Off

We made it to Haiti yesterday via flight from Miami to Santo Domingo, a cheap hotel run by an old guy from Vancouver, Canada, then took a 6 hour bus ride the next day to PauP. We were picked up by our friend Dr. Max, and the drive from Tabarre (the parking lot where we were dropped off that was full of soldiers) to Paco (neighborhood where we are staying) was devastating. We didn’t see much, but so many buildings are gone and we encountered ‘the smell’ 3 times. A place we stayed a few years ago is completely gone. We camped out in our tent in the parking lot of our place here with all the other residents. Surreal. This afteroon we will visit the kids at the old Lafanmi Selavi building and also a clinic at a tent city where we have already donated medical supplies to one of the doctors. We brought over 220 lbs. of supplies and it wasn’t enough. Tent cities are everywhere. But we are making people happy with the solar/windup radio flashlights. There is no electricity. Haitians are crowding the markets, yet many streets are completely empty. We took a taxi this morning to get our rental car and he only had one fare besides us. No school at all. We will check in again when we can and post photos.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Concert Today - Lafayette Louisiana - Helping Haiti and ACFFC

More about concert today ...

Posted: Jan 22, 2010 6:22 PM
Updated: Jan 22, 2010 11:20 PM

The city of Lafayette has teamed up with Festival Internationale and le Centre International de Lafayette to put together a benefit concert for Haiti.

The concert, which is being called "L'Union fait la force," or strength in numbers, will be held Saturday, from 2:00 until 8:00 p.m. at Parc International in Lafayette.

This week, several local businesses downtown provided an added boost to the concert and it's cause. Guamas, The Office, The Green Room, City Bar Downtown and Tsunami have all pledged to donate 5% of their earnings on Saturday to relief efforts in Haiti.
Tickets to the concert can be purchased at the gates Saturday and cost $10 each. Nearly all the proceeds will be divided amongst the American Red Cross, United Way, Southern Development Foundation, Art Creation Foundation for Children, and Doctors Without Borders.

Here's the lineup for L'Union fait la force:

2:00-2:45, Givers

3:00-3:45, Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie w/Special Guest Steve Riley

4:00-5:15, Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole

5:30-6:45, Roddie Romero & the Hub City All Stars w/Special Guests Sonny Landreth and Buckwheat Zydeco

7:00-7:40, BelO (Haiti) (solo)

7:40-close Louisiana All-star Jam w/BelO.

Thank you for reading! Let the cause know you helped

ACFFC - Bruno Rene, young artist - featured on Unicef radio

A young Haitian earthquake survivor uses art to cope with disaster

© Art Creation Foundation for Children
Artist and painter Bruno Rene, 18, has been sleeping outside since the 12 January earthquake destroyed his family’s home in the southern port city of Jacmel, Haiti.

NEW YORK, USA, 22 January 2010 – Until their home was destroyed in last week’s earthquake, Bruno Rene, 18, lived with his mother in the southern Haitian port city of Jacmel. Since then, Bruno, an aspiring artist, has been working on art projects to cope with the impact of the disaster.
Bruno spoke with UNICEF Radio by phone from Jacmel, describing his experience during the earthquake and in its aftermath.
AUDIO: Listen now
When the quake struck on 12 January, Bruno was in the street. He heard a loud noise but didn’t understand what was going on, and then he fell. A man passed by and told him it was an earthquake. When he looked up, he saw that all the houses around him were destroyed – including his own.
“Everyone was crying,” he recalls.‘A very bad state’With his home uninhabitable, Bruno has been sleeping outside. He and his family members are hungry and don’t have access to food or drinking water. He is also concerned about malaria.
© Art Creation Foundation for Children
A recent painting by Bruno Rene, who has been using painting to help process his experiences since the earthquake in Haiti left his family homeless.
“There are many mosquitoes, and we don’t have mosquito nets or tents,” he says. “We are really in a very bad state.” Bruno’s school, too, was destroyed in the earthquake.  Several teachers died when the building collapsed; others were badly injured.

Art programme provides support
As one of the star pupils in an art programme for young people in Jacmel, Bruno is a talented artist, working with paint on canvas and with papier-mâché. For the past 10 days, he has been painting whatever he sees going on around him. Other local young artists – including two of Bruno’s classmates, Withnie Charles and Marie-Michelle Val – are also homeless as a result of the earthquake. Now they spend their days painting and creating papier-mâché constructions together at the Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel. By night, they return to their displaced families.Organizers of the programme hope the art activities will help students process some of the trauma they have experienced. UNICEF has found that such activities can provide a critically important support structure for children and young people in the wake of a disaster, when much of the world they knew before has been shattered.

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Friday, January 22, 2010

New images posted - destruction of Jacmel

This is so very sad.  Jacmel sits amidst rubble and this is what our children face.  I wish we could wave a magic wand and make it all better.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unicef interview with ACFFC teens

I received a call earlier today from a radio reporter working with Unicef whowanted to interview children/youth who are in Haiti and have experienced the earthquake. Mind you, for two years we have been trying to get Unicef funds to no avail. Now they want us for 'a story.' However, it is good for the children and good publicity. They made contact she spoke with Marie Michelle, Withnie and Bruno for close to an hour. It will be edited, of course ... I think 10-15 minutes. It will be online on the Unicef site and I will send the link as soon as I have it. I am now going to send images of the children for this website. I am so proud that the three were able to be eloquent, as I am told, in French. Bravo!

Ebay sellers helping ACFFC

We have folks selling on ebay via ebay Giving Works and donating a portion of sales revenues to ACFFC. Please support these sellers. Thank you.
eBay Giving Works - About My Nonprofit - Art Creation Foundation For Children


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New photographs posted - ACFFC Children - post earthquake

Amazing children.  Please love them.     click on title or go to:

Art Studio Lives - Benefit

Please have a look at what Nadine LaFond has put together ... beautiful art, benefit events, etc.
Nadine, mesi anpil.  Love you. Judy

Update this morning

There was another quake this morning. Everyone is fine. We have sent money in hopes that the Western Union office will be open. We have about 3-5 days worth of food left and there is no real aid in Jacmel yet. I spoke to two of the children this morning and their spirits are good. Let us hope it continues.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Concert in Lafayette, LA



(337) 291-8307

January 18, 2010

“City to Host Benefit Concert for Haiti Relief Efforts”

Lafayette – Lafayette City-Parish President Joey Durel announced today that the city, in conjunction with Festival International and Le Centre International de Lafayette will host a concert to benefit relief in Haiti.

Event Title: "L'Union fait la force", roughly translated as "There is strength in numbers" or "Together we are stronger." It is also the national motto of Haiti.

What: Benefit concert at Parc Internationale, Saturday, January 23, 2010.

2:00-2:45 Givers

3:00-3:45 Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie w/Special Guest Steve Riley

4:00-5:15 Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole

5:30-6:45 Roddie Romero & the Hub City All Stars w/Special Guests Sonny

Landreth and Buckwheat Zydeco

7:00-7:40 BèlO (Haiti) (solo)

7:40-close Louisiana All-star Jam w/ BèlO

Cost: $10 minimum. Those attending can give as much as they would like.


1. American Red Cross – On the ground already addressing immediate short term needs.

2. United Way – Long Term Efforts in Haiti.

3. Southern Development Foundation – Addressing Long Term Needs in Haiti.

4. Art Creation Foundation for Children (ACFFC) – To benefit the school

5. Doctors Without Borders

”We all know what it’s like to experience tragedy and see the world open up its hearts to us following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. With our cultural and language ties to Haiti, in addition to having some Haitians living in our community, we felt like this was a good opportunity to reciprocate,” said Lafayette City-Parish President Joey Durel.


Monday, January 18, 2010

Update - ACFFC and Jacmel

Good afternoon all.  We are going to use this blog in addition to Facebook to keep posting updates regarding the situation at hand in Jacmel, Haiti and regarding all the amazing and wonderful things that are taking place because of this horrible event, this earthquake, our worst nightmare.  As Nancy Josephson said, we are all in shock, sick at heart, and very proud of our children, staff, families, and everyone who has rallied together to help. 

We are awaiting the arrival of the International Red Cross in Jacmel and ACFFC will be a coordinating agency - the IRC will set up at ACFFC as our building still stands!

Information and events:

Everyone has survived at ACFFC which is a blessing.  Now they need to stay alive.  They have come together, are cooking, sharing, providing support to each other and to the community, for they are a community, a true community.

We are seeking to raise funds not just short term but also long term for sustenance and change.  You can donate via the website, all information is posted.

Please see our Cause page on Facebook as well.

Art Lives Studio   and children's art online
From Nadine LaFond:
Next Steps

My husband Brian (Herkert) is working on another benefit (Feb. 15th) and will have more news for you soon. The Highland Park Community has already set up a benefit for Jan. 30th; our group show is now a traveling exhibit and will continue to donate until all artwork is sold and fellow artists have already gotten to work on more upcoming benefits. A film maker was out last night and conducted interviews with us, recorded the exhibit / performance and will produce a film to further support the children at ACFFC; our exhibit catalogue is scheduled to release in March / April 2010 and will donate powerfully again. Alot more to come...  Now for the big news: By way of this message, I would like to introduce to you our dear friend, Jean Marc LeFranc, owner of BAZ Bar, where Brian and I perform with our bandmates in St. Barth's for the past few years. Jean Marc, I would like to introduce you to the Directors of Art Creation Foundation for Children; Judy Hoffman (Florida) and George B. Mettelus (Jacmel) They and the growing community of artists, galleries, businesses and individuals work constantly to bring support to the students of ACFFC's school, where George teaches and organizes all aspects of their programming for the children. Judy and George, according to my conversation only a few moments ago with Jean Marc, he and many of his friends and business colleagues on the island of St. Barth's are focused exclusively on supporting small organizations that provide services to children only and are ethically committed to delivering 100% of funds directly to the communities that need it.

Concert - Saturday January 23, Lafayette, Louisiana
Lafayette La is partnering with ACFFC and with Jacmel Haiti for relief and rebuild ... thanks to David Goodwyn, Major Joey Durrel and the citizens of Lafayette who have strong connection with Haitian and Creole culture
More information to come

Concert - Thursday January 21, Wilmington Delaware
David Bromberg thanks to Nancy Josephson (ACFFC Board) of Angel Band

Art world partners in helping to raise funds are:  Laurie Beasley (ACFFC Board), Laurie Carmody, Katie Barr, Marcia Weber, Tony Fisher, Bill Bollendorf, Warren Kahn, Ted Frankel (ACFFC Board), Paul Flack.

Sandra Renteria (Board Member) is also raising funds via:

Dr. Connie Duke at Keiser University WPB - students are out offering children's work as thanks for donation and she just let me know that Pearson Publishing is making a donation to ACFFC.

Nancy Lee Mitchell and the Patapsco middle school students are working hard, making hearts for Haiti, for sale at the AVAM Museum Store.

I am going to be on air on The Mosaic of Art, Miami internet based radio program, on Monday. 

Several people on ebay are designating proceeds of their sales to ACFFC.

More later.
Gerline and Nancy will be posting updates as well.